Friday, April 10, 2009

Do you need some cheese with that whine?

I gave up today. I tried to stay at school all day. I left after lunch and went home and slept. I got woken up at 3:00pm with a call about Broadway revue. It's tonight. I'm excited. But honestly, I am more ready for it to be over. Thankfully it will be soon. After sleeping I feel better than I did. It definitely made my head ache go away so that was good. Anyways, I'm going to talk about something more important now...Easter. Oh yes, its another one of those holidays that is completely over marketed with eggs, candy, Easter egg hunts, the Easter bunny and all of that crap. It also means another time when I have to get together with my family. Thankfully Easter is one of those times when I can deal with it because to me this is really important Holiday if not the MOST important. I don't necessarily believe that Easter is a holiday when you HAVE to get together with the fam, but if you're all getting together to celebrate a common purpose then yes I think its great. Sadly, not very many homes are doing that. Many homes get together, have a ton of food, then get into petty arguments. And by many homes I mean MY home. The reason I love Easter is because, to me, Easter is the one event that constitutes the rest of my life and my beliefs. Without Easter, Jesus would not have died on the cross risen from the dead and I would not be saved and I would have nothing to live for. My life would be dramatically different than it is now with out this event. I cant stress how much this means to me and how weird it is to me that that can happen. It can happen with anything of course because the decisions of everyday affect the happenings of the next day. But the first good Friday happened a million years ago when Christ was first hung on the cross and that still effects me. Even if people don't believe in it it still effects me because I believe its true. I'm just praying that this year the people who I am with will actually think about why we are getting together and spare themselves on less argument. If something goes wrong its okay because are holidays suppose to just be about family and being around people who care about you. That what all those freakin' TV show for little kids why is this something that has gone so far out of style. Cant people appreciate things for what they are? I get aggravated with my life and that's why I write on here, but I never would take it out on other people (at least not on purpose). I really try every day to make the best of the day and thank god that I got another day to live. I hope that on Easter Sunday when my family gets together they can at least be civil and see what I mean. I have my car with my that day and if something happens between my mother and someone else and it creates tension I will drive that hour home right away. I'm over that crap.
