Monday, March 30, 2009

Written 3/30/09

This spring break I:

Hung out with friends.
Designed a part of a show.
Did homework.
Ran out of resuraunts to go to.
Participated in earth hour.
Recieved a hat that says "Jesus is My Boss".
Bonded with people.
Bought a dress.
Ran in the rain.
Attempted to fly a kite in the rain.
Got angry because it snowed.
Went to a dance store twice.
Convinced my mother to let me take a tap class.
Complained to my best friend and vice versa.
Freaked out about seeing the choir list- I still wonder if I got in to concert choir.
Layed on a drive way laughing with my friend and giggled.
Created a Jesus filled chalk masterpiece ALL OVER my drive way.
Ate a lot of spinach dip.
Visited a college and fell in love with it.
Went to Silver Dollar City.
Got lied to.
Organized a lot of things.
Cleaned my house.
Went to a party.
Saw Dr.Jekyll and Mr. Hyde the play.
Talked to a really hot guy.
Tried not to gossip.
Got even more obsessed with Shrek: The Musical.
Slept in hard-core.
Drove for 3 hours straight.
Updated my iPod.
Learned a new dance.
Watched The Secret Life of the American Teenager finale.
Went to the park more than once.
Played a game from 5th grade on a play ground.
Got a cut on my wrist from a bolt.
Danced around my house when I was home alone.
Gave a gift.
Recieved an internship from Stages St. Louis.
Came back to blogging.
Had deep conversation.
Had opinions.
Tried to make people happy.
Listen to sounds I wish I never heard.
Talked about the difference between "Who" and "Whom".
Did things I said I would.
Freaked out because I heard sirens more than once.
Didn't do things I said I would.
Comforted someone.
Loved every minute of the day.
Felt happy for absolutely no reason.
Hung out with a friend I haven't hung out with in a long time.
Exclaimed that I wanted to destroy my liver.
Had a creeper waiter and a resturaunt who wrote weird things on our recipt.
Thought positive.
Thought negative.
Forgot some things I did.

Conclusion: BEST SPRING BREAK EVER. I really feel like I got something out of this week. I tried to live each day to the fullest and realize there is something good to each day regardless of how much a day sucks. I love reflecting on these kinds of things because it makes me see my life from a different view. It's all typed plain in sight. Its easy to see how I have spent my week and from what I've seen I am happy with it. I feel refreshed and ready to go back to school and resume my normal life of stress and anxiety. You know how sometimes you just feel good about life even though you know that some things are going to get to you in the future? That's how I feel right now. I feel so completely passive about things in my life right now and I can just go to sleep with out worrying. How wonderful.
