Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Insanity at its greatest.

So you know those times when something happens and you really need to tell someone about it because it's so obnoxious or exciting? Yeah, Well, THIS is one of those times. It is 7:11 AM on Tuesday. I was in the middle of a good dream (which now I don't remember) when my alarm went off. I layed there longer than usual just to think and that's when I realized I had fallen asleep last night from doing my Honors US Studies AP history homework and I have still not completed my math homework or chemistry. Right when I get up my mother calls and asks me where I put her debit card after borrowing it yesterday and I quote "shiiiiitttttt" as my answer to that. It's at my house in my wallet ready to be used. So basically this shows how ridiculous someone can be because I definitely have to go late to school today and miss chemistry (I suck at it) to go drive out to St.Charles to her work (I have NO idea what circle of HELL that's in) and deliver it to her. She said she does not care about school and after talking to her she agreed she would call me in late. So basically my mother's insanity has allotted me more time for the homework I didn't do and to finish my history homework I fell asleep on. Then again, she doesn't know that and she's going to hold this over me for the rest of my life and probably not talk to me at all for a while. But whats the difference? She really doesn't talk to me now. lol
In conclusion: There is, for once, a bright side to my mother's mental in-stability.
