Monday, March 30, 2009

Written 3/26/09

So i've decided after many days of thinking that I would like to go back to this whole blogging deal. I think way too much to not write it all down somewhere. I am out of that stupid depressing teenager stage and have gone on to bigger and better things. I have accomplished a lot and I feel like it's time to probably just delete those old posts. Anyways, back to business...Here is something I posted on facebook about a week ago. I feel like the blogging world would be happy to see what I've been up to and how much I've grown in my faith and my confidence...even though no one really reads this.

Integrity <><
(Sunday, March 15, 2009 at 1:38am)

So it all began tonight at the cast party. We are all sitting around and out of nowhere the subject of religion came up. It started off okay and in my opinion became just a heated discussion. In other peoples' opinion it became uncomfortable. This makes me question: Why do things have to be that way? Does there really have to be a time and place to talk about something that is a huge part of society and the world? In my opinion, the answer is no. No, there does not have to be a scheduled time to talk about this. No one says "Hey, it's 3:45; it's time to talk about Christ".People are interesting. They all are the same species yet all act so different. But why does this one subject affect people so much? Is it really that hard to talk about? Why isn’t it hard for me to talk about it anymore? Why do we have to be so worried about offending people with OUR beliefs? Answer: We don't. There is no rule in society that says if you are going to offend people with your opinion, keep it to yourself. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that someone should go out of their way to offend people. I'm saying if people have an opinion and why should they have to be hesitant to say it?So now I sit here, trying to figure out what's going through my head. There are so many things I don't understand and this whole discussion has gotten to me. You know what bothers me? People who aren't brave enough to talk about religion. People who put down religion without even giving it a chance. People who stare at others when they pray in a public place. People who say they are Christians and won’t stand up for it. People who are Christians one day and not the next. People who talk bad about it in front of you when they know it bothers you. People who think ALL Christians are judgemental people who don't give others a chance. Having such a huge love for Christ and not having people to share that with you. When you have a foundation of Christ, you live your life so differently and I see that now more than ever. I ache to have people in my life to share that with me. To support me in it. To WANT it as much as I do. And after talking to one of my friends about this, I would have to agree with her when she says that usually the people in my life who matter will never experience this with me and the people that are praying for me to continue on my path of righteousness, I will never know.So, I guess the point of this note is to put myself out there. To make sure people know that I AM NOT A FAKE. I am a Christian because Jesus Christ is my savior and my life belongs to Him. The end. Case closed. No questions asked. I will always stand up for Him and will always be there to pray for anyone and witness to anyone who wants to know about Christ and the love He has for us. In the end, I realize that no matter what happens God has it covered. I have been through things in my life that prove Gods love for me and I AM NOT AFRAID of people and blasphemy of any sort. I am courageous. I am intensive. I am confident. I am destined. I am centered. I am unique. I am oriented. I am focused. I am determined. I am spiritual. I am dedicated. I am helpless. I am disciplined. I am bold. I am wishful. I am needy. I am serving. I am called. I am prepared. I am transformed. I am saved. I am responsible. I am inspired. I am open. I am strong. I am influenced. I am anticipatory. I am Jesus-loving. I am…myself.
