Tuesday, September 8, 2009

just one second...

This weekend I feel like I got a lot accomplished. I have cleaned my room, cleaned out my car, run errands, finished some of my "to do" list, done homework (except physics because I'm getting help tomorrow), worked on updating and reorganizing my resume (most. stressful. thing. ever.)and pretty much finished it, and even did chores. I hung out with multiple people and had some alone time. I think every weekend should have 3 days. I feel like the reason I don't get a lot done is because I only have 2 days to relax after the crazy week and then get to work on things. I'm happy I got some things done and I feel accomplished for once. lol
I found a way to make some money this weekend too. I will be working at the Thomas the Tank Engine extravaganza again this year for a few weekends in October. I'm only making 10 dollars an hour but I should be able to make a pretty good amount so that will be nice. My job searching will be a least a little bit less stressful.

Overall, I think I had a decent weekend.