Monday, April 26, 2010


Dear Disaster,

I'm done with you.
I'm done with the verbal abuse, just like dad ended the physical.
I'm done with the insults.
I'm done with you not caring.
I'm done listening to you complain.
I'm done being in your life.
I'm done trying to make this work.
I'm done pretending in public that we get along.
I'm done apologizing for your insensitivity to others.
I'm done feeling like a waste of space.
I'm done listening to your opinion.

You can take all you want from me.
You can take my childhood.
You can take my dog.
You can take my trampoline.
You can take every god damn thing I have left of my father.

But as long as I am still alive, you can not take me.
You can not take control of me.
You can not take control of my thoughts.
You can not take control of my feelings.

My emotions, work, career, life, loves, passions. They are mine.

You can keep your jealousy. Your hostility. Your hatred. And everything else that comes with it. I want nothing of it. For the same reasons dad wanted to leave, I do.

I. Don't. Love. You.

I never want you to be a part of my life. Not my college career. Not my relationships. Not my wedding. Not my children. I will erase you from everything. I want no pictures, no videos, no letters.


When you see this one day I hope that you hurt because that has been my entire life. I hope you realize that you were wrong. That from the beginning, YOU were responsible for our relationship. Now, I am choosing to walk away. The only thing I ever want from you is money. And for long time that's all I ever wanted. So, if that's how you want our relationship, so be it. Because I want nothing more then to never speak to you again. 18 years is too long.

With all due respect,
The suffocating girl.