Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Blank Spaces

So as much as I feel like writing, I'm not going to lie when I say I really don't know what to say. Since the weather has changed, so has my mood. I am all around happier right now than I will ever be in the winter. There is just something about the sun being out that makes my mood make a 180.


- I didn't finish student directing Moon Over Buffalo. I wanted to see my friends instead.
- Asa and I have been dating for 6 months. Crazzzzyyy shiiit right there.
- The Navy scares me more and more each day.
- 26 more days until I get out of the high school.
- I got accepted into my dream school Illinois Wesleyan University and almost peed my pants.
- I went to California over spring break with choir. Concert and Chamber choir got Gold 1st and the Women's choir got a Gold Rating and placed 4th.
- California is way too stressful when you go with a tour company and high school
- Spring break was awesome when I got home. We had a Jersey Shore party and had a pretty good time. :]
- Catherine's birthday was over break and she had a birthday fiesta. It was fun.
- School has been the most boring thing in my entire life and I want out so bad it isn't even funny.
- Choir Concert next week
- Broadway revue is coming up this month and I am so sore from dancing because I was an idiot and didn't stretch.
- I have started being much more positive, but with that came a great deal of being passive. I just don't care about things as much anymore.
- When Asa got back from Florida we hung out a ton and I spent Easter with his family. it was all fine and dandy until a topic of conversation came up that I didn't like and I had to leave the table.