Saturday, November 14, 2009

Just another day

So while I have the time to blog I might as well say something about my life that's worth reading. So since I've last blogged a lot has happened.

- The Wizard of Oz is over which is a really good thing and at the same time it's not so. I feel extremely relieved that it's over even though I kind of miss the good things about it. I miss all the challenges it through at me but I don't miss the stress that it caused. I did inherit a mouse though. His name is Wizard. :] We're pretty tight, I'm not gonna lie.
- Laura and I are both resigning from being Thespian officers due to many reasons and I never thought this would happen but at the same time I think it is a necessary thing. I used to be completely in love with thespians and now it's just another pain in my back and the reason I did it in the first place was to have fun with theatre and we're not doing any theatre so it's a waste of my time. I will not put the rest on here just because I don't really want to and it will just frustrate me.
- The friendship dance is tonight and I'm going with Asa and we are dragging Joanna along. lol. We are trying to stop her from being a bum and sitting alone and we are succeeding lol. I am really excited to go to the dance. I need a night of fun and not thinking and I'm hoping tonight will be the night. I really need a night that doesn't involve a lot of thinking because I have been doing way to much of it lately. And I don't see any sort of a drunk night coming any time soon so really tonight has to be my escape.
- My grades kind of suck balls right now. the end.
- Even though I've been stressed out and not wanting to deal with shit lately, I can't help but smile sometimes. There's just been some really good things going on--I wont go into detail on here though since I think some family reads this. haha sorryyy.