Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Today is my last day of High School.

Peace out WGHS.


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

As of now this is my life:

- I have to have stuff packed away that I want to keep but not take with me to school.
- I have to have my room cleaned out except the bare minimum.
- There's a lot I have to throw away
- I am living at home after being kicked out for a week
- She took my car. I still don't have it.
- My car didn't pass inspection and it costs 16oo dollars to fix and my mother said that's the last amount of money she's going to put in on my car. Including insurance. She says I get my car back and she's signing it over to me and it's my problem now. I have to pay for everything.
- She used money she was either going to give me for graduation or for a grad party for my car so now I don't get that either.
- I have to call school and see if they have car insurance through the university and health care for that matter.
- I can't get to my college fund because it's under her name.
- She said she'd think about getting me a new comforter or quilt (my old one is so old it's falling apart) and towels and shit because she just spent money on my car.
- Every time I do something with my room she wants me to do I somehow end up doing it wrong so I feel like every time I get a step further I take like 50 back.

My head hurts and everything feels uncontrollable. I can't handle things anymore.

I'm losing it.