Wednesday, January 20, 2010

It Hits You Like Scripture

You gotta get gone,

you gotta get going

Hey, the world ain't slowing down for no one

It's a carnival callin out to you,

It sounds like a song,

Hits you like scripture

You paint the picture

With colors squeezed from your hand

Weren't you the kid

Who just climbed on the merry-go-round

Hey look, the world ain't slowing down

"The world Ain't Slowing Down" by Ellis Paul

Last weekend I worked at a show called Here to Stay produced by the local theatre company Washington Ave Players Project. The concert was held at the Sheldon Concert Hall and the company is owned by my technical theater teacher at school, Schaefer. I was the house manager and part of the crew.

The process of this show for me was only 3 days. Dress rehearsal then 2 shows. I went into the show knowing the tech crew I was working with, Schaefer, and 2 cast members. After working there for only those 3 days I met some amazing people, saw some kick ass performances, and made some connections for future jobs.

The song "The World Ain't Slowing Down" by Ellis Paul was one of the songs performed in this concert. I never had much of a connection with the song until that dress rehearsal but since then I have listened to it at least twice everyday or on repeat like I have currently. This song basically talks about how life goes on rather you are along for the ride or you are fighting it. It talks about how reality smacks you in the face and you have to get out there and make something of life with no baggage. I feel like I can relate to this song a lot. I know that I am super focused on my life and what the future holds. The more this year [school year] has progressed the more I have realized that I can't let the baggage of my home life and my past keep me from doing what I want. While working on this concert and listening to this song be performed it made me realize that growing up fast like I did isn't ALWAYS a bad thing. I like to have fun like any other person, but I feel like since I have done things like make professional connections and work instead of play sometimes I will be more stable in the future. As much as I hate how I've had to grow up so fast, I am also thankful for it because I learned a lot of things that some adults still haven't. I feel like I have learned to balance things in my life. I have learned the difference between "need" and "want". I know that "should do"s often need to take over my life. I have also learned that sometimes it's okay to be upset and that is is a healthy thing. I have learned that holding on to people that aren't worth it is a waste of my time.
I think I can truely say that I have learned that the world isn't slowing down for anyone. That you just have to pull yourself up and keep going because people aren't always going to wait for you. I love this song because as much as it is blunt about life it is also said in a way that is comforting to me.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Annie's Hope

Grief Behaviors of children and teens: <<--Link

afraid of the dark
afraid to go to bed
afraid of hospitals, physicians or their offices
repeated illnesses
clinging to parent or guardian
changes in school work
intense anger at self or others
hurtful behavior to self
hurtful behavior to others
destruction of property
over or under eating
bed wetting
cruelty to animals
withdrawal from family or friends
obsession with death
experimentation with sex
use of drugs, alcohol or cigarettes
difficulty concentrating
difficulty sleeping

I am analyzing myself. I don't know if there is a connection or not. Wow. My day just took a turn.